Monday, March 21, 2011

World Water Week

I stopped in a local eatery this past weekend and immediately my attention turned to a poster on the wall. The headline read World Water Week and a closer look revealed that UNICEF was behind the advertisement.

I remember back to my elementary days, particularly around Halloween, when my teachers passed out little cardboard boxes (They looked like little Animal Cracker boxes) and asked each student to collect change while they participated in Trick-or-Treat night. I never really knew the reason for collecting change, but I very enthusiastically tried to collect the most money in the class.

Since then, UNICEF has flown under my radar. The UNICEF Tap Project is asking restaurant patrons to donate $1 or more to their bill. This one dollar donation can amazingly PROVIDE ONE CHILD ACCESS TO SAFE, CLEAN WATER FOR 40 DAYS!!! 

For additional information, including alternative ways to donate to the Tap Project, please visit

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