Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Electronic Device Policy

As the school year approaches, it seems worth sharing the new electronic device policy with you.  Donegal will permit students to utilize electronic devices during the educational day.  The policy is very specific in behaviors that are acceptable and unacceptable. 

I'm looking forward to the opportunity to use these devices as educational tools.  Effective use requires all participants to utilize these devices for educational purposes and follow the details of the policy listed below.

July 28, 2013

Dear Parents and Students,

This letter is to inform you of recent revisions to Donegal School Board policies pertaining to electronic devices. The administration would encourage students and parents to be familiar with Policy #237 Electronic Devices and Policy # 814.2 Acceptable Use of Technology located on the Donegal School District web page under School Board Policies. The school board policies articulate the expectations for acceptable use on school property. With that said, the following administrative expectations will go into effect on September 3, 2013.
Examples of electronic devices include, but shall not be limited to, CD players, iPods, MP3 players, DVD players, handheld game consoles, e-Readers, Personal Digital Assistants, “Smart” cellular phones, Blackberries, iPads and other tablets, laptop computers and any new technology with similar capabilities.  

Expectations of the High School Administration: Policy #237 and Policy #814.2
1.       All students should have an educational environment free from unnecessary disruptions, distractions and threats. Electronic devices must be used appropriately, or the privilege of using the devices will be removed by the classroom teacher or administration.
2.       Students may use personal electronic devices in the classroom during the school day for instructional purposes, only if they have prior permission of the classroom teacher. This is not debatable, and individuals who do not abide by this expectation will have their privilege removed.
3.       Students may use their personal devices during non-instructional times for personal use (examples: before homeroom, during the change of classes in the hallways, during a student’s assigned lunch in the cafeteria and on district transportation).  All activities must stop by the echo of the bell, and devices must be stored in a student’s pocket, locker or book bag.
4.       All devices must be placed on “silent mode” throughout the school day. Students whose devices sound during the school day are subject to disciplinary actions.
5.       Students may not take or send pictures or videos during the school day without the permission of the classroom teacher or administration. Pictures and videos may only be used for educational purposes directed by the classroom teacher.
6.       Students may not use electronic devices in bathrooms, locker rooms or the nurse’s office. These actions will be subject to disciplinary action.
7.       Students may not use personal devices to disrupt school activities, bully or harass any school employee, student, or visitor.
8.       If a student chooses to bring a device to school, the staff and administration will not assume responsibility or search for lost or stolen devices. Students must be responsible for their personal electronic devices.  

Students who cannot abide by these expectations will have their personal electronic device privileges removed and are subject to disciplinary actions consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.


Mr. John Felix, Principal                                    

Mr. Christopher Miller, Assistant Principal                                      

Mr. John Haldeman, Associate Principal

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